
WEEE Recycling

”Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) is taken back free of charge on a one-for
one, like-for-like basis. Each local authority must also accept household WEEE and small
batteries free of charge at its recycling facilities. All WEEE must be recycled and should not
be placed in any of your household wheelie bins. Make sure you always recycle all your old
electrical goods. ”

Will you collect my old product?
If you are getting a new product delivered we’ll take your old one back to be recycled.

How much will it cost? There is no charge to return products to any of our warehouse.

Why should I recycle through Irish Safety Systems?
We will ensure that your old product is disposed of correctly to reduce the potentially
harmful effects caused on the environment and to conserve natural resources.

Further information can be found on www.weeeireland.ie

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Author: I.S